Therapies We Offer
Peer Socialisation Work Groups
Group therapy simulates a “safe” group environment where skills that have been learnt in individual occupational therapy or play therapy can be consolidated. Thus group therapy often follows from individual therapy but in some cases the therapists can advise that a child starts the therapy process in a group.
Group consists of 4-8 children of children nearly the same age. The groups are conducted by a psychologist and an occupational therapist. The group meets once a week for 45 minutes. One formal parent feedback will be schedules per term by the therapists in order to discuss progress or other intervention options. Parents are however welcome and encouraged to contact therapists at any times should they have queries or concerns to discuss. Group therapy lasts at least two terms but in most cases for about 12 to 18months depending on each individual’s needs.
Group therapy focusses on:
Work habits within the group context e.g. concentration, organisational skills tasks completion and work speed
Emotional well-being (dealing with sadness, anger, loneliness) (building self-confidence and assertiveness etc.)
Social skills
Develops emotional intelligence